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Final Project - 2018

This is a log of steps in my final project at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design from Sep–Dec 2018

Planning: My inspiration

I love artefacts. From quirky data-viz websites to speculative products, the idea of making a thing that draws interest and engagement to provoke questions is of fascinating to me (even if that's all it does). In this sense, I am more interested in speculative artefacts. My involvement in art festivals before I came here has piqued my interest in installations and stand-alone experiences that stimulate reflection and discussion. In this sense, I see impact as something that can happen on a more personal level than necessarily on a larger scale.

Making invisible visible

Timo Arnall's *Immaterial Project


As a very visceral level, the project has a certain graphic quality that I can appreciate as a visual designer. It makes us see an everyday interaction or presence in a new way. The project offers a visualisation of these forces that we rely on and engage with. The topic of data and privacy is associated to this.


I am inspired by this because it speculates about something almost fantasy-like, that I've dreamed of. It would be an evolution for IxD which makes it interesting to experiment with. I see this as having potential for a user group with physical disabilities and yet have a lot of opportunity for everyone because we all have brains :).

Visual thinking

Ralph Ammer Seeing vs. Reading


I have always felt like drawing is not given enough importance in our formative years and that it can help us develop a different part of our brain. Also, I have received many requests from people asking me how they can draw better. Can machine intelligence augment our visual representation skills? Imagine a school where visual was as important as verbal...

More inspirations:

  • https://designawards.core77.com/Speculative-Concept/46009/Bots-Collaborative-AI-for-the-Smart-Home
  • https://designawards.core77.com/Interaction/60247/Mnemograph
  • http://armengol-altayo.com/
  • http://unreadmessages.com/
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