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Communication through senses, not screens


Scentiment connects close people who are far away from each other in a gentle and intimate way through the sense of smell. The sensory device can be exchanged between two individuals to remind each other of their connection in a poetic way when they maybe physically apart.

A person creates or chooses his/her signature scent from the collection of perfumes engineered by the Scentiment Lab. This could be the scent that represents a person or one that is associated to a shared memory. The devices are then paired so that the input from one device corresponds to an output on the other device.

After two people exchange Scentiment with each other, they can now communicate in unique way. For example – when one misses the other, they blow into their device which releases the scent on the other device.



We began our exploration of smell with a visit to the Copenhagen Botanical garden. By focussing on the sense of smell, we generates a ‘map’ of the space through a story-like documentation of our sensorial experience.


Team: Rina Shumylo and Chaeri Bong
Role: Physical prototyping and conceptual development
Guide: Yasaman Shaeri