Ministry of Time manifesto
The manifesto is born out of the pressure that ‘time’ has exerted on us since it’s inception. We unquestioningly adhere to the ‘whip’ of every passing minute. The easy and immediate access that the internet affords us has strengthened this drive for speed and glorified efficiency. It is time to open ourselves to fresher, more personal interpretations of this rigid system of measurement to sustain a human future.
Fast is not necessarily better, focus is. Focus stems from control and control is informed by sensing. Can we slow down and give our senses a fair chance?
The Ministry of Time aims to offer a range of tangible experiences that provide a fresh perspective and playfulness to time. Experiences that allow citizens to reclaim a sense of agency over their experience and align with a rhythm of being that fulfil the human tendencies for curiosity, vulnerability and intuition.
Ministry of Time
Time-telling for slow futures
'Fast is good' is a philosophy that a lot of modern society seems to hold dear. We've cemented this belief in our minds to the extent that it seems ridiculous to question. Simultaneously, there aren't many other inventions that have impacted our existence more than time has. The Ministry of Time(MoT) questions the dynamic of a long-standing relationship we've shared with this construction of ours.
Through a collection of experimental time-telling devices, MoT offers experiences that stimulate our 'sense-abilities' of curiosity, intuition, vulnerability and tactility; experiences that urge us to be deliberate about our engagement with time. Can these experiments make us reflect on a future rhythm of living that’s more sustainable and inform how we shape our relationship with emerging technology?